Saturday 12 March 2011

I've Got a Bad Feeling About This.

I had another one of my "World Disaster" anxiety attacks at 12am on Friday morning. I was laying in bed when I suddenly felt panicked beyond any reasonable explanation. I tried to figure out if I had forgotten to do something, pay something, call someone, but nothing was coming to mind. So I tried to settle down with limited success and did finally fall asleep sometime after 3am. I had a series of bad or unsettled dreams, but the oddest was one where I and  group of friends were being pursued by a giant mutant... thing. It had us trapped in a small apartment building and was jumping up and down on the roof. One of my companions kept saying "It's an earthquake, only an earthquake!"

Imagine my reaction when I crawled out of bed at 7am and went to log onto the computer and found a Tsunami warning for all of the Pacific Rim.

The earthquake in Japan hit at 12:20am my time, right when my anxiety attack was at its peak. I don't understand what is happening when I go through these attacks, but I have consistantly felt major disasters either just before or just as they are occuring. I rarely get a strong sense of what is going to go wrong, but the anxiety is strong enough to start adrenaline flowing. I would just hope that if I am ever caught in the area of impact that my Spidey Senses would give me a decent headstart.

To all those who have lost their homes and loved ones, we extend our deepest condolances. If you are able to please donate to the relief effort through the Red Cross or other relief agency.

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