Saturday, 12 March 2011

Dang it all!!

Alright, so my not-so inside sources were incorrect about when Sanctuary would return. Apparently it won't be back until April 15th. G'raarrgghhh! These mid-season hiatususesses (hee) are becoming rather ridiculous. The last episode that aired, a hell of a cliffhanger, was in mid-Dec. When all is said and done fans will have been waiting for 4 months. Is it any wonder then, that in a world of 500+ channels shows can lose their followings?

Now, I'm not saying I'm going to jump ship or anything like that. But why put such a speedbump in a series' way? Especially when this season has had so much going for it? I would be hesitant to go for longer than a month at any time other than the summer. You're supposed to have to wait over the summer hiatus, that's what season-ending cliffhangers are for! (A buried train car full of alien bodies, anyone?) But then your viewers know that you're coming back in the fall and all is well. Not like this mid-season thing where shows come back anywhere from January to May and you rarely know about it ahead of time. I assume it has something to do with network greed, wherein mid-season place holders could become the latest thing and sell more merchandise. But what has SyFy given during the long hiatuses of many of its shows?

Being Human USA - because apparently they still haven't learned that the Brits always do it better.

Meh. I'm going to go and drown my sorrow and despair over in the Cake Wrecks archives. Feel free to join me.

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